Home Care for the Elderly with Multiple Health Conditions

Taking care of an elderly loved one with more than one health issue can be really difficult. At Change Inc., we understand how hard this can be, and we’re here to help you and your family every step of the way.

Understanding the Challenges

When your loved one has several health issues at once, like diabetes, heart problems, or arthritis, things can get pretty complicated. These health issues can affect each other, making it harder to handle each one.

Coordinated Care Approach

We make sure to coordinate or connect all the care your loved one needs. We work together with doctors, nurses, and therapists to make a care plan that’s just right for them. This plan takes care of all their health needs in one go.

Communication is Key

It’s really important that everyone involved talks well with each other. This means making sure that the health team, the patient, and the family all know what’s going on with treatments and health updates.

Practical Tips for Families

  1. Stay Informed: Learn as much as you can about your loved one’s health issues. Knowing more helps you take better care of them.
  2. Organize Medication: Use a pill organizer and reminders to keep track of all the different medicines. This helps make sure nothing is missed or taken twice.
  3. Regular Check-ups: Regular doctor visits are a must to keep an eye on health issues and to change treatments if needed.
  4. Home Safety: Make the home safer to move around in to lower the chance of falls.
  5. Support Systems: Look for local help like support groups, meal services, and programs that help make homes safer and more accessible.

Partner with Caregivers who Understand the Challenge

At Change Inc., we’re dedicated to making life better for elderly people with health challenges. Our team is ready to help you find the best way to care for your loved one so they can have a good life at home.

If you want to know more about how we can help or if you need specific advice, just give us a call today.

Beyond Basic Care: Comprehensive Home Health Services in Middletown, CT

In Middletown, CT, a revolution in home health care is unfolding, and its one that goes beyond basic needs to offer a full spectrum of services for home health care. Change Inc is at the forefront of this: the promise of comprehensive care that helps the whole person – body, mind, and spirit.

WHAT IS Comprehensive Care?

What does comprehensive care really mean? It’s about providing more than just medical assistance. Comprehensive care means offering a complete package of services that addresses every aspect of an person’s well-being:

  • Medical Care and Monitoring: Skilled nursing and health monitoring, so that that medical needs are met with expertise and compassion.
  • Personal Care: Assistance with daily living activities like bathing, dressing, and eating, to help promote independence.
  • Rehabilitative Services: Physical, occupational, and speech therapies to help people regain strength and functionality.
  • Mental Health Support: Counseling and support groups for clients and their families, to address the emotional and psychological aspects of health.
  • Social Services: Guidance and assistance with navigating the maze of healthcare resources, insurance, and community services.

By combining these elements into a complete care plan, Change Inc creates a net of support that wraps around each client, offering them the best possible quality of life.

Why Comprehensive Care Matters

In a world where health care often becomes divided into different piece and providers, the value of a comprehensive approach is clear. Here are just a few benefits:

  • Holistic Health: Treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, leads to better health outcomes.
  • Continuity of Care: Coordination between different services prevents gaps in care and makes sure that every health need is addressed.
  • Personalization: Care plans customized to the person’s specific needs and goals means more effective and satisfying care.

ChangeInc: A Leader in Comprehensive Home Health Care in Middletown, CT

Change Inc stands out not just for the range of services offered, but for the depth of care and commitment to every person’s unique journey. Our team of professionals is trained to handle any situation that may arise, so every person receives the care they need to thrive.

Work with CHANGEINC. today!

In Middletown, CT, comprehensive home health care is not just a service, it’s a commitment to the community’s well-being, and its a dedication to holistic health. At Change Inc we’re proud to lead the charge, and to provide a wide variety of services to meet the needs of every one of our clients. Whether you’re seeking care for yourself or a loved one, we invite you to learn about the Change Inc difference – where comprehensive care means comprehensive compassion.

For more information on how our comprehensive home health care services can support you or your loved one, visit our website or contact our Middletown office directly. Let us be a part of your health journey, every step of the way.

Tips for Helping Someone Who Needs Home Health Care

When a loved one requires home health care, knowing how to support them can make a real difference in their care experience and well-being. Here are some tips to help you become an effective part of their care journey:

  • Educate Yourself: Learn about your loved one’s condition and the care they need. Understanding their needs can help you provide better support and help make decisions alongside them.
  • Communicate Effectively: Open lines of communication are very important. Listen to your loved one’s concerns and preferences about their care. Also, make sure there is clear communication with their care team so you can stay informed about their health status and progress.
  • Establish a Routine: Consistency can be comforting. Help your loved one establish a daily routine that takes care of their needs, personal interests, and relaxation time. A predictable schedule can help to reduce anxiety and make the care process smoother.
  • Encourage Independence: Empower your loved one by encouraging them to participate in their care and daily activities as much as possible. This supports their feeling of autonomy and sense of control over their life.
  • Stay Organized: Keep important documents, medication schedules, and care instructions organized and easy to find. This can help manage the complexity of home health care and ensure nothing is overlooked.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Caregiving can be demanding. Remember to prioritize your own well-being by taking breaks, seeking support from friends or support groups, and practicing self-care. A healthy caregiver is more effective and resilient.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Don’t hesitate to reach out to healthcare professionals for advice or assistance when needed. ChangeInc’s team is always ready to provide support, answer questions, and adjust care plans as necessary to meet your loved one’s evolving needs.

By following these tips, you can play a positive and helpful role in your loved one’s home health care. This way, they can receive the best possible support while maintaining their dignity and quality of life.

Prioritizing Elderly Mental Health in Middletown: Accessing Compassionate Care Made Easy

As we age, our mental well-being becomes increasingly important for maintaining a fulfilling and independent life. At ChangeInc, we understand the significance of elderly mental health in Middletown, and have made it our mission to provide accessible and compassionate care. In this blog post, we will explore how easy it is to access high-quality mental health services for the elderly in Middletown, ensuring that they receive the support they need to thrive.

Caring for the Unique Needs of Seniors:

ChangeInc is dedicated to tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of elderly individuals in Middletown. We recognize that each person’s mental health journey is different, so our caregivers take the time to conduct thorough assessments and develop personalized care plans. By taking a person-centered approach, we empower seniors to achieve their mental health goals while providing the necessary support and guidance.

Simplified Access to Mental Health Care in Middletown:

At ChangeInc, we believe that accessing mental health care in Middletown should be easy and stress-free. We have streamlined our process to ensure that seniors and their families in Middletown can quickly and conveniently access the services they require. From the initial consultation to the development of a personalized care plan, we strive to make the entire experience smooth and hassle-free for residents of Middletown.

Compassionate Support in the Comfort of Home:

We understand that elderly individuals in Middletown often prefer to receive care in the familiar surroundings of their own homes. That’s why ChangeInc offers in-home care services, providing seniors in Middletown with the comfort and convenience they desire. Our compassionate caregivers, trained in elderly mental health, offer a range of support services, including medication reminders, personal hygiene assistance, household tasks, and companionship. By bringing care directly to the homes of our clients in Middletown, we aim to create a nurturing and comfortable environment that promotes overall well-being.

Emphasizing Independence and Empowerment:

At ChangeInc, we believe in empowering seniors in Middletown to maintain their independence and autonomy. Our services are designed to support their mental health while encouraging self-reliance. We work closely with each individual to identify their specific needs, goals, and interests. Whether it’s through skill-building activities, encouraging social engagement, or providing resources for pursuing personal passions, our goal is to help seniors in Middletown lead fulfilling lives on their own terms.

Collaboration and Communication:

We recognize the importance of open and ongoing communication with both seniors and their families in Middletown. At ChangeInc, we prioritize collaboration, ensuring that everyone involved is part of the care process. Our team is readily available to address any concerns or questions, providing guidance and support every step of the way. We believe that strong partnerships and clear communication lead to the best possible outcomes for elderly mental health in Middletown.

Accessing compassionate mental health care for the elderly in Middletown has never been easier. At ChangeInc, we provide tailored services that prioritize the unique needs of seniors in Middletown, emphasizing their independence and well-being. Through simplified access to care, in-home support, and a commitment to collaboration, we are dedicated to ensuring that seniors in Middletown receive the compassionate care they deserve. Contact us today to discover how we can make a positive difference in the mental well-being of your elderly loved ones in Middletown.

Why Home Care?

The healthcare industry is flourishing throughout the United States mainly due to the aging baby boomer population requiring increased medical and non-medical attention. Where we are in Connecticut, assisted living facilities are popping up at a rapid rate. We see crews working on weekends to complete these monstrosities that will soon be filled with elders and others seeking long-term medical support. We also see an increased number of families looking for alternative, less expensive options, like home care.


So, why home care? What makes home care a more viable option for short or long-term health care? Well, the answer is not black and white. Every family doing their research on this matter should consider their loved ones needs and preferences prior to making final determination in either direction.

Congregate with your loved one and other family members to decide what that individual needs on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Additionally, it’s important to determine how involved family members want to be on a regular basis. You might find after you compile this information that the answer is crystal clear. Either way, it’s smart to weigh the pros and cons of home care and assisted living solutions.

Here is a brief analysis of the pros and cons of home care and assisted living.

Home Care Pros

  • Each individual remains in a space that’s comfortable for them. Eases any anxiety a disruption in environment might cause.
  • Individual receives continuous care from 1 or 2 caregivers instead of many different caregivers.
  • Depending on the level of care required, it’s usually more effective to receive in home care.
  • Care plans take on a personalized approach so the individual is receiving exactly what they need.

Assisted Living Pros

  • Individuals are living with other residents giving them a less socially isolating environment.
  • Families are not responsible for scheduling caregivers.
  • Activities are always planned, encouraging active lifestyle.

Home Care Cons

  • Back up care giving involves a lot of planning.
  • The home may need modifications for safety and/or accessibility purposes.
  • Social isolation can lead to other health issues, it’s something to monitor if an individual receives minimal support at home.

Assisted Living Cons

  • Work force has a high turnover rate
  • Quality of care isn’t always as good as in home options
  • Individuals might find a change in environment as depressing and not adjust well to living in a facility which could decrease their quality of life.

 Do your research. Talk to companies. Set up appointments to meet in person.

In summary, you can do all the best research there is but it’s truly important to know what will please your loved one receiving the care.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a feeling that we have all experienced at one point or another. The nerves before delivering a big presentation, jitters on a wedding day, or the uneasy feeling of attempting to conquer a fear.

People with anxiety disorders have a perpetual and excessive fear in situations that are not threatening and might experience one or more physical or emotional symptoms. Some examples include:

  • heart racing
  • sweating
  • irratibility
  • upset stomach
  • feeling of dread
  • tremors

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (nami.org), anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern effecting 18% of adults and 8% of children/teenagers living in the United States. There are several types of anxiety disorders, each hosting their own set of symptoms. It’s important to recognize when you’re feeling overwhelmed with anxiety to follow these suggestions:

  1. Get checked out by a doctor (typically the PCP will examine first and might recommend psychotherapy or medication)
  2. Try to find what triggers the anxiety 
  3. Learn to focus on your breath
  4. Tell someone. It’s important to find support to help get through the tough moments.
  5. Remember you’re not alone. Find the support you need in friends, online resources, community resources, etc.
  6. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re doing the best you can.




Meet the ChangeInc Clinical Team

Counseling Group

(back row L-R: Karen Walsh, Stacy Asklar, Jeffrey Jones, Alison Wetmur, Diana Giordano, Bradley Quirk, Nicholas Olshansky.  front row L-R: Jennifer Favorite, Lori Standish, Cheri Eckbreth, Jacqueline Serrano, Shelly Polo. Missing from the photo: Cole Willard)

Introducing the ChangeInc Clinical Team!

We have an outstanding group of clinicians who provide therapy in our Middletown and New London offices in addition to personal residences of individuals on the Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders.

ChangeInc clinicians are licensed LCSW’s, LPC’s, LMFT, LADC’s and use evidence based therapeutic techniques to address a variety of issues including but not limited to:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bi-Polar Disorder
  • Grief and Loss
  • Suicidal impulses
  • Stress
  • Substance Abuse
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Self Esteem Issues
  • Women’s Issues

We also have specialized counseling programs uniquely designed for deaf persons and persons with limited language skills and End of Life/Living Will Counseling.

If you’re interested in our counseling programs, please call our office today.

Cultural Competency When Working with Persons with Hearing Loss

Alison Wetmur is a LCSW for ChangeInc. Today Alison is sharing a reference guide for us to utilize when working or communicating with individuals with hearing loss.

Quick Statistics: Compiled by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD).[1]

  • Approximately 17 percent (36 million) of American adults report some degree of hearing loss.
  • There is a strong relationship between age and reported hearing loss: 18 percent of American adults 45-64 years old, 30 percent of adults 65-74 years old, and 47 percent of adults 75 years old or older have a hearing loss.
  • Only 1 out of 5 people who could benefit from a hearing aid actually wears one. 

Important Terms:

Hearing impaired: the medical community’s term for people with hearing loss.  This term is not used or accepted in the Deaf community because it implies impairment that needs to be ‘fixed.’  Many Deaf and Hard of Hearing people do not consider themselves broken and therefore do not require ‘fixing.’

deaf: (Little d ‘deaf’) the actual audiological hearing loss that someone has; the inability to hear

Deaf: (Big D ‘Deaf’) someone who identifies as a member the Deaf community; knows, uses, and cherishes American Sign Language (ASL); follows Deaf culture and norms

Not everyone who is “Little d ‘deaf’” is “Big D ‘Deaf,’” but in order to be “Big D ‘Deaf,’” someone must be “Little d ‘deaf.’”

Hard of Hearing: someone who can interact comfortably with both hearing and Deaf people; s/he speaks as well as signs and usually uses an assistive listening device like a hearing aid or a cochlear implant

Late-deafened adult: An adult who has lost his/her hearing later on in life, perhaps as part of the normal aging process.  S/he most likely does not know ASL and may find communication and socialization difficult, which can create a sense of isolation and/or depression


  • When working with persons with hearing loss, the important thing to remember is that you should never assume that you understand how they would like to communicate (not every deaf person signs, but all Deaf people do!), or even what they self-identify (or call) themselves. Ask him/her how they would like to be called, and proceed from there.
  • When working with someone who is Deaf, don’t assume s/he can read and write English at an adult level. American Sign Language is NOT English—it has its own grammar and syntactical structure.  English is a very difficult language to learn if it is not someone’s native language, and many Deaf people may not be more than basically fluent in written English.  Instead, use gesture or fingerspelling if needed.


[1] From “Quick Statisics” http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/statistics/Pages/quick.aspx